Most Rev. Palmer-Buckle okays dedication of St. Dominic Catholic Church, Taifa

The wait is over for members of the St. Dominic Catholic Church, Taifa as all is set for the dedication ceremony and the climax of the 30th anniversary celebration of the Church.

The much-anticipated “spiritual” ceremony which is scheduled for Sunday, August 27, will be led by the Archbishop of Accra, Most Rev. Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle who will also be the main celebrant of Mass on the D-day.

To this effect, preparations are underway as parishioners together with the two “energetic” Priests, Rev Fathers Emmanuel Obeng Cudjoe and Courage Senam Dogbey and leaders of the church put finishing touches to remaining works to put the premises and building in shape.

The dedication ceremony is necessary because the Bible directs that every building that serves as a house of God be consecrated as seen in Exodus Chapter 40 where Moses was commanded to set up the tabernacle and anoint it with oil.

“Take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and everything in it; consecrate it and all its furnishings, and it will be holy,” Exodus 40: 9 reads. 

It is this obligation that has forced the St. Dominic Catholic Church to work industriously to sanctify the building and invite God’s ‘presence’ into the church. 

The spiritual exercise comes with an exciting celebration where Priests, parishioners and guests will be entertained with irresistible live band music from the “almighty” Ghana Police Band.

For persons who would want to wine and dine, there will be plenty of food to eat as a huge cow awaits slaughter and lot of drinks to feast on as well.

Brief history of the St. Dominic Catholic Church, Taifa 

The St. Dominic Catholic Church was named in 1987 after the then bishop of the Archdiocese of Accra, His Lordship Most Rev Dominic Andoh. 

The church which started with just a handful of people who worshiped in someone’s house and a classroom can now boast of a huge multi-million church building, a school and a rectorate.

Over the years, the church has made tremendous progress and has proudly produced several members of the clergy and religious. 

Rev Sr Victoria Osorade, SMMC, who professed her first vows on 15th August 2000, final vows on 15th August 2009 and held her thanksgiving service in September 2009 is a product of the church. 

Others are Rev Fr John Boevi, SVD, who was ordained as priest on 17th August 2013, and held his first mass and thanksgiving service on 18th August 2013 at St Dominic, Rev Fr Andrew Setsoafia, SJ, who was ordained priest on 27th August 2016. 

The church has also produced Rev Sr Stephanie Quarshie, SMMC and Rev Sr Doris Opoku, HDR, who have professed their first vows, and are still in formation, awaiting final vows. Also in formation are two seminarians, Derrick Abbey and Joseph Effah Siaw, undergoing formation at the St Paul’s Regional Seminary, Sowutuom.

The church can also boast of vibrant youth who are prepared to lead the church in future.


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